From the Desk of:
B.Arch M.A. M.Ed M.Bus
Leadership Counsellor
To: Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Influencers
When it’s all said and done, the leader who inspires a greater meaning influences most profoundly. They stand to build a lasting legacy for the long term.
After all, in today’s transparent, competitive global marketplace, products, content, and services can (and will) sooner or later be copied.
But what can’t be copied so easily is the sense of meaning and purpose which is at the heart of a great organization and institute – which is what all great leaders create.
It’s from the meaning that a specific culture holds that then flows a constant stream of…
INSPIRED INNOVATIONS, INSPIRED CONTENT, AND INSPIRED SERVICES (The commonly agreed upon basis for all ‘competitive advantage’ and how to build a legacy that lasts)
As a leader, the question before you is whether you will embrace this truth and learn how to put this into continual practice… Or whether you’ll ignore this first principle and get buried in meaningless data, tidbit hacks, and shiny new objects.
In the 21st Century, amidst instant, on-demand information, the issue of meaning is dividing people across all levels of society like never before:
> On one hand, there are the people who are now empowered like never before to continually learn new skills, gain more insights – as to create new enterprises, to express untapped potentialities, and to live out ‘impossible dreams’…
> And on the other hand, there is the multitude who are ‘amusing themselves to death’ – trapped in the land of porn, the land of gaming, the land of social media… the real-life ‘Matrix’.
Like Never Before In History, Leaders Must Help to Answer This Question For Themselves and Those They Lead:
Will We Drown In More Information and Become Even More Distracted, More Disconnected, and More Disintegrated?
Will We Let Ourselves and Those We Care About to Get Dumber and Dumber,
Amidst a Brave New World Of Ever Smarter A.I.?
Or Will We Choose To Become Much MORE, By Choosing a Pursuit of Greater Meaning (and Not Mere Entertainment) And Flourish Like Never Before?
Peter Drucker, the most influential management thinker of the 20th century, once made the observation that in life, we have two paths available for self-improvement – whether in life, in leadership, or in love:
- We Can Choose to Minimize Our Weaknesses.
- Or We can Choose to Maximize Our Strengths.
Most of us have a primary choice at play, whether we are aware of this fact or not. But all these paths are not created equal…
One path leads to ‘well-roundedness‘, and a conformity to the norm.
The other leads to sharpness of soul, and world-class excellence.
Most people choose the first path, the path of ‘blending in’ with the norm…
But all the great leaders choose the latter, the path that sets forth the norm.
The Center for Meaningful Leadership is for this second type of person.
Center for Meaningful Leadership is a unique leadership counseling organization that helps to unleash the power of a meaningful mission, within and without. Our mission being:
To Remoralize Leaders with the Power of a Meaningful Order
We support leaders to install the leadership Operating System from where engagement, enrollment, and excellence abounds. That is, the leadership that’s grounded in the deep understandings of human dynamics and the full power of meaning.
This is by no means easy and there are no ‘cookie cutter’ approaches either.
That’s why we begin with the foundations of the documentary film, The Great Aha! and the iReawaken Experience, from where we establish the essential first principles.
Welcome to our home.
Center for Meaningful Leadership is based in Melbourne, Australia, and is led by John Angheli – whose mission is to inspire leaders to reach for greater meaning and to rebuild the aims of the good society.
John Angheli is a leadership counsellor and online educator whose mission is to re-moralize tomorrow's leaders, today. He has lectured in higher education, served as president of the Australia Life Coaching Society, and worked as a leader's counsellor for nearly two decades. With numerous degrees in Architecture, Business, Education, Philosophy, and Film Studies, he brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas on how to empower individuals and communities. John's aim is to reawaken our innate will to meaning, in order to strengthen our best strengths. His online programs like iLifeChange and AQMeets are inspiring a whole range of new leaders on their own heroic journey. His latest project, the feature documentary 'The Great Aha', is an autobiographical movie that showcases how our pursuit of happiness in life is connected to our most innate pursuits and why this matters most of all.
Our work is underpinned by three essential values: